Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

December Archives 2009

December 2Bot Enhanced water

December 2 Kacchi Lamb Biryani...Hyderabadi Ishtyle!

December 4Dates Chocolate Rugelach,a pastry for peace

December 6How to Perfectly Slice a Pomegranate?

December 7Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Greek Yogurt

December 9Low fat Kofta(Spiced Meatballs) Curry

December 11Gingerbread Pancakes with Pomegranate Syrup

December 13Barley Brown Lentil Mushroom stew with Harissa

December 14Low fat Vegetable Latkes with Cinnamon Apple Sauce

December 16Butternut Squash Ravioli with Pumpkin seed Pesto sauce

December 17Chocolate Truffles

December 21Vegan Chocolate Avocado Mousse

December 27Mini Gingerbread House

December 29Orange Ginger Drink

December 31Moroccon Vegetable Chickpeas Couscous

Moroccan Vegetable Chickpeas Couscous

Moroccan Cuisine is one of the most diversified Middle eastern cuisines.Two talented bloggers Sabah of Sousou kitchen and Touria of Cuisine Touria hosted the Moroccan Cuisine for the Walima club December.They choose to celebrate with ever so popular Moroccan Couscous as the savory dish.Do visit their blogs to learn more recipes from the rich cuisine.

A Quick Intro. of Moroccan Cuisine
The Moroccan Cuisine is one of the diversified cuisines in the world. It is a mix of Berber, Spanish, Moorish, Middle eastern, Mediterranean and African Cuisines.
1)Moroccan-Berber cuisine:The Moroccan Cuisine has been influenced by the native Berber cuisine which differs from one area to an other within North Africa.The principal Berber food is:
-Tajine wich is a very diversified dish
-Mechoui or lamb barbecue
-Harira which is a famous Moroccan soup during Ramadan.
-Bread made with traditional yeast

2)Moroccan-Andalusian cuisine:
Andalusian cuisine has also influenced Moroccan Cuisine. Moriscos or (Muslim refugees) who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish inquisition brought with them their civilization. The famous Moroccan Andalusian dish is Pastille which is a wedding dish made of chicken and almonds. Besides pastille, a lot of Moroccan pastries are based on Andalusian pastry such as almond cookies.

3)Moroccan-Middle eastern cuisine:
As Moriscos, Political refugees left Baghdad in the middle ages and settled in Morocco, bringing with them traditional recipes that are now common in Morocco but Forgotten in the middle east. There is a striking similarities between 12th Century collection of recipes by Al-Baghdadi and contemporary Moroccan dishes. A signature characteristic is cooking fruit with meat like quince with lamb or apricots with chicken.

4)Moroccan-Jewish cuisine:Jewish cuisine has also influenced Moroccan Cuisine. The Mizrahi's style is still well noticed in salad starters Made by marinated olive and vegetable.
Moroccan Cuisine is based on the use of different spices but the most characteristic feature is the use of powder ginger in different tajines. Olive oil is also a characteristic of Moroccan Cuisine as it is the case of all the Mediterranean cuisines.

Moroccan Vegetable and Chickpeas Couscous
The recipe is similar to the Colorful Baked chicken couscous posted earlier,this time I stewed just vegetables and chickpeas.
Traditional preparation of couscous can be time consuming ,a special food steamer called "kiskas" is used,in which the vegetables and meat are cooked in the bottom pot while the couscous steams on top,yielding the most flavorful couscous.Whereas the quick cooking couscous ,lot like pasta ,is cooked separately then mixed with spiced vegetables,herbs and chickpeas.
Serves 4
Ingredients :
1 lb Whole grain Couscous
1 big carrot,chopped or diced
1 small Zucchini,chopped
1 small squash,chopped diced
1 cup each of broccoli and cauliflower florets
1 small bell pepper,chopped
1 plum red tomato,finely chopped
1 medium onion,finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley and cilantro,chopped
1 cup cooked chickpeas
1/2 teaspoon each of fresh minced garlic and ginger
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne or chili powder
1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon salt

Heat a large pan on medium heat,saute the onions in oil until translucent.Add all the spices and saute for a minute or two before adding the vegetables.Cover and cook until vegetables are tender.Stir in the cooked chick peas towards the end of cooking process.Cook for another minute or two.
Cook the couscous as per the package directions.Fluff with the fork.
To serve either mix the couscous in the vegetables or layer the vegetables over the bed of couscous.I like to garnish with fresh parsley and tomato rose.

Best Wishes for 2010!
Warm wishes of peace and prosperity for the new year ahead to all the viewers.

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Orange Ginger Drink

Berries are gone,Oranges seem like the only vitamin C rich fruit that survives through the frigid season.Orange is often recommended while recovering from a seasonal sickness for its richness in antioxidants

Not just when sick,the Orange Ginger Drink is a rejuvenating anytime drink ,that might even drive away the winter blues.Blending the Orange with the pulp adds fiber.And ginger gives a zing besides enhancing the nutrition.

Orange peel

Don't dispose the peel of the oranges,it has many good uses.I use the peel in the drink,which in some studies have shown to lower cholesterol.

Recipe: Orange Ginger Drink
Serves 3
3 Oranges
Peel of 1/2 an orange without the white rind (or about 1 teaspoon orange zest)
1 teaspoon ginger,freshly grated
1/2 cup fruit puree(I used peach puree)

Rinse the oranges in warm water to get rid of any pesticides.Dry with kitchen towel.To peel the Orange,use a sharp knife to thinly cut through the skin without any white pith.Too much peel can make the drink bitter,so just use a little in the beginning and add more as per your taste.
Halve the oranges.Keep one halve on the cutting board and cut the top and then the sides along the white rind.Repeat same with all of the oranges.Cut in quarters and blend them together with rest of the ingredients in a powerful blender until smooth.I prefer the drink at room temperature during the cold season and chilled in summers.

Health nut Challenge 3 :Healing foods
- please share your creations.Rules of the event.

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Mini Gingerbread House

Daring Bakers's Project Gingerbread House ,was it a success?Pretty much.I did aim for a bigger gingerbread house that collapsed to my utter disappointment;reason - the glue wasn't strong enough.Raw Eggs Royal Icing wasn't an option for me.Looking for suitable alternatives I choose the Simple syrup(melted sugar). Though the hot melted sugar couldn't hold the big house but worked perfectly with the mini counterparts.Simple syrup is really hot,take utmost care when using it.If that sounds risky then go for the much safer and decadent,melted dark chocolate glue.Be sure to freeze ,as you glue each pieces together,it has to work with the mini houses(I haven't tried with bigger size though).
And don't be afraid to mix in some whole grains in your edible abodes and remember only fresh ginger,not canned or powdered.The fresh ginger combined with the cinnamon in the dough,gives the best aroma on baking.And lastly use Organic where ever possible.

The December 2009 Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to you by Anna of Very Small Anna and Y of Lemonpi. They chose to challenge Daring Bakers’ everywhere to bake and assemble a gingerbread house from scratch. They chose recipes from Good Housekeeping and from The Great Scandinavian Baking Book as the challenge recipes.

Recipe Wholegrain Mini gingerbread house
Makes 5-6 Mini gingerbread houses(Approx. dimensions 2x2 inches).
2 cups Whole grain pastry flour
1/2 cup Organic Butter,softened
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup molasses
2 teaspoon ginger, freshly grated
1 teaspoon spice mix(I used ground cinnamon and cloves)
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup warm water.

Prepare the dough
In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar until blended. Add the ginger and spice mix.In another bigger bowl,mix dough,spice mix and soda.Add the warm water to the dough and make a stiff dough. If necessary add more water, a tablespoon at a time. Chill for an hour.

Cut out the Templates
You don't have to be an architect to design a template.Draw the intended size of the pieces on a poster board or card board.Requires 2 front pieces,2 for the sides and 2 for the roof.Cut out along the patterns ,don't forget to include the door and windows.

Cut and Bake
Roll the dough and cut along the cut out patterns .Place on a large baking sheet.Any scraps saved, re roll at the end.
Preheat the oven to 350F. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until the cookie dough feels firm. After baking, again place the pattern on top of the gingerbread and trim the shapes, cutting the edges with a straight-edged knife. Leave to cool on the baking sheet.

Eggless Gluing options
1.Hot melted sugar(WARNING : Not safe for working with kids):Melt about 2 tablespoon of brown or white sugar in a small saucepan until dark and bubbly(single thread stage) about 5-6 minutes on medium heat.Very carefully dip and coat the sides of the baked pieces of the house and attach together,use a can for support until the sugar sets.Begin with front and side piece,followed by the back and the other side.Then finally the roof.Work promptly before the sugar solidifies,you can the sugar warm on low heat until finished using it.
For the pretzel decor,coat the sides of pretzels with the melted sugar and place over the roof or sides.

2.Melted Dark chocolate : Chop and melt about 3 ounces of dark chocolate,in a microwave or double broiler.Stir to melt completely.Brush the melted chocolate over the edges of the baked pieces of the house.Glue 2 pieces of the base first, transfer in freezer to chill for 3-4 minutes until chocolate sets.Next join the other 2 pieces of the base,chill and finally join the pieces of roof over the base and chill again until set.
For Sprinkling any chopped nuts ,brush some melted chocolate and sprinkle the nuts over the roof.For the chocolate bricks,glue the chopped pieces of the dark chocolate with melted chocolate along the sides of the house.
Any remaining chopped nuts and melted chocolate can be mixed together ,transfer on parchment paper and chill for 2-3 minutes,place around the house.

Peek in other creative edible abodes at daring bakers blog roll.

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Vegan Chocolate Avocado Mousse

I usually relish avocado as is,but to get my kiddo eat Avocado,this mousse was the best disguise.My boy was totally clueless about avocados in all the luscious chocolaty goodness.
This wasn't exactly my first attempt to create a vegan mousse,the earlier experiment was a miserable flop,didn't ever want to combine chocolate with avocado.But when last week I bought these gorgeous bag of avocados on sale,in attempt to make avocados more appealing and kid friendly,I decided to give the choco-avo combo another go.This time I keep the cooking to minimum ,for Avocados tastes best when uncooked.The warmed up milk does the trick of melting the chocolate(kinda like truffles),rest is just blending and serving.To make this a healthy dessert or snack,can't stress enough to use the best quality dark chocolate,and keep low in sugar to get the most benefits of both avocado and cocoa.

Recipe : Vegan Chocolate Avocado Mousse
Makes 3 small ramekins full.

2 Ripe Avocados,cored and diced
3 ounce Dark chocolate(at least 60% cocoa),chopped
1 tablespoon Agave nectar or brown rice syrup or date syrup or any other natural sweetener.
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoon corn starch
3 tablespoon Almond milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract(alcohol-free)

Warm the almond milk in small sauce pan and whisk in the corn starch.stir on low heat until thickens about 2 minutes.Turn off the heat.
Put the chocolate and cocoa in to a blender or vita-mix and process while pouring the warm thickened almond milk ,until smooth and creamy.When chocolate has completely melted add the avocados,vanilla,the agave nectar and blend some more until smooth and creamy.Transfer in serving bowls.chill for 30 minutes before serving.


Happy Holidays and Safe Travels to all my viewers!.I'll be back in a week :D

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Chocolate Truffles

Thanks to Julie's article ,I have learned :
*Rule number one of picking a healthy chocolate,buy Dark.
*Lesser in sugar the better the health benefits of a chocolate.Eating it with fruits like strawberries can add to its goodness.A hot cocoa is much more beneficial than hot chocolate.
*60%-70% is a best range of cocoa to look in a dark chocolate.
*The dutch processed or any alkali processed cocoa powder has less antioxidant flavonoids.
*Finally, liking the less sweet chocolate is an acquired taste,so don't give up with just one attempt.

Now with rules in mind and I pick this fine chocolate and roll up these soul-calming melt-in-the-mouth delicacies to satisfy my chocolate appetite.
Named after the exotic fungi,the chocolate truffles are of the finest confectioneries a chocoholic will ever know of.Its pure chocolate to the core.I did keep a nutty surprise in the middle and coated them all with cocoa for the original truffle finish.With heavy cream replaced these are relatively lower in fat ,another reason to make them more often than just on festive occasions.

Recipe :Low Fat Chocolate Truffles with Almond Surprise

Makes about a dozen truffles
8 ounce(1/2 pound) Premium Dark chocolate(at least 60% cocoa)
1/2 cup Organic Reduced fat milk
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
About 2 tablespoon unsweetened Cocoa powder
Few toasted Almonds

Break the chocolate to smaller pieces in to glass or steel mixing bowl.
Bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan.Carefully pour it over the chocolate in the bowl and stir it using a spatula until the chocolate is completely melted.If the chocolate doesn't not melt completely then place over a double broiler until melted. Stir in the vanilla.Place in the refrigerator just until the chocolate is solid enough to to work with,about an hour.
Sift the cocoa powder on to a large plate.When the chocolate mixture is ready, take about 2 teaspoon of the mixture and roll between the palms of your hands.Press in an almond in to the center and roll again until round.Now coat the ball with the cocoa by rolling it several times until evenly coated.Finish with rest of the mixture.Can be stored in fridge for 2-3 weeks.Serve them at room temperature.

Some enticing flavors to try :
Coffee : mix 1 teaspoon of instant coffee powder in the ganache or use 1/2 cup espresso coffee instead of milk.

Orange :A tablespoon of orange zest adds the citrusy zing.

Ginger :Mix 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ginger for hint of the spice.
Spice : Spice up with 1/4 teaspoon of spices like cinnamon ,cardamom and cloves.

Nuts : Roll them in chopped almonds or pistachios or hazelnuts or coconut flakes for a nutty finish.

Dried fruits: Mix some dried fruits like cranberries for a chewy fruity touch.

Pretty pine cones are all over my yard.I saved a few and scented them with some cinnamon oil ,makes a great room freshers and a pretty decor at the same time.

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Butternut Squash Ravioli with Pumpkin Seed Pesto Sauce

Butternut squash is one of those nourishing staple vegetables available throughout fall and winter.The vegetable is uber-rich in vitamin A and has the nutrients to promote over all good health.It can be incorporated in many dishes just as the pumpkins.

The puree of roasted squash is a fine filling for ravioli.With little experience of home made pasta making ,I used the American short-cut method by using store-bought ready to use wonton wraps for the pasta.The seeds in the squash when toasted and combine with fresh herbs and olive oil,served as excellent sauce with the ravioli.

To Roast the Butternut Squash
Cut the squash in to half lengthwise, lightly brushed with cooking oil, and place cut side down on a baking sheet.Bake at 375F for 45 minutes or until softened.

Recipe Butternut Squash Ravioli with Pumpkin Seed Parsley Pesto Sauce
Serves 3-4
For the Ravioli
1 cup Roasted Butternut Squash Puree
2 tablespoon onions,finely chopped
1 clove Garlic,finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon hot chili powder or freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoon partially skimmed Parmigiano-Reggiano(Parmesan) cheese
1/2 teaspoon salt
pinch of nutmeg
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or canola oil

For Pasta Dough(ready to use wonton wraps work as well)
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 large organic or free range egg
2 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

For Toasted Pumpkin seed Parsley Pesto sauce
1 cup fresh parsley(or cilantro)
1/2 cup toasted pumpkin seeds or squash seeds
2 cloves garlic,crushed
1 tablespoon Parmigiano-Reggiano(Parmesan) cheese
2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest

Make the Pasta Dough
Combine all the pasta ingredient in mixing bowl until a smooth dough is formed.

Prepare the filling
Heat oil in pan on medium heat,add the onions saute a minute.Add the garlic saute until aromatic, about a minute.Add the squash puree,chili powder or black pepper and salt,cook until the mixture is slightly dry, about 3-4 minutes. Season with salt. Turn the heat off.Mix in the cheese and nutmeg and cool completely.
Prepare the pesto sauce
While the filling cools make the pesto sauce.Combine all ingredients in a food processor, blending just until smooth.Add some more water if needed.Cover and let rest for 30 minutes before rolling.

Make the Ravioli
Roll the pasta dough(use pasta machine if you have one),cut the pasta into 3-inch squares . Place about 2 teaspoon of the filling in the center of each pasta square or wonton wrap.Spread some water around the edges of the square and cover with another square,press to seal.Use a fork to seal all the square.
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil salted.Carefully drop the stuffed pasta squares 5-6 at a time depending on the size of the pot.Cook about 2 minutes,when it starts to float that when it get to strain them out. Set aside.

To serve,lay some of the pasta and spoon the pesto sauce over the pasta.

This is my entry for Weekend Herb Blogging #214,host of the week is Halo of Cook Almost Anything Once

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Low fat Vegetable Latkes With Cinnamon Apple Sauce

I love variety in breakfast,with time to spare and recipes in hand,why not make every breakfast an extraordinary one.On breakfast menu today are Latkes, traditionally prepared on Hanukkah,these are the crisp deep fried potato pancakes.I give them a low calorie make over without using eggs,frying in least amount of oil on stove-top or even better baking and casting the white potatoes with some vibrant vegetables to enhance the flavor and nutrition.

Recipe Low fat Eggless Vegetable Latkes
makes 18-20 small latkes
1 medium Sweet potato,peeled and grated
1 big carrot,peeled and grated
1 medium russet potato,peeled and grated
1 large zucchini,grated
1 tablespoon Onions,finely chopped or minced
2 tablespoon wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon(about 4 teaspoons) canola oil or cooking spray if baking

Combine all the grated vegetable in a large mixing bowl.Add flour,season with salt and pepper and stir to distribute evenly.
Heat about about 2 teaspoon of oil in a large non-stick pan or cast iron pan over medium heat.Carefully place about a tablespoon of the vegetable mixture on the hot oil and flatten a little using a spatula.I fried 6-7 at a time in the large pan.Flip after 4-5 minutes until golden brown and repeat on other side.Strain any excess oil on a paper towel.Add about a teaspoon of oil for each batch of latkes.Finish making the latkes with rest of the mixture.Keep warm in oven.Serve with Fat-free sour cream and Cinnamon apple sauce on side.

Baked Latkes
Spoon the vegetable mixture on a lightly greased baking sheet and flatten them a little.Spray a little cooking spray over each of them and bake at 375 oven for 15-20 minutes until the top is crisp and golden brown on top.

To make Cinnamon Apple Sauce for 3-4 servings.
Peel, core and chop 4 Macintosh or Granny smith apples.Cook them with a cup of apple cider,1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest until soft and mushy about 30 minutes.Puree for smoother sauce.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Barley Brown Lentil Mushroom Stew with Harissa

Harissa,the spicy Moroccan pepper sauce, works wonders in this revitalizing soup ,with just the right amount of spice and heat.The wholesome barley, brown lentils and mushrooms ,all healing foods,makes the stew a complete meal.

Barley is a high fiber grains,which means perfect for intestinal health.Its dietary fiber also helps in lowering cholesterol,fighting diabetes and protecting against some kind of cancers.Rich in selenium eating barley can enhance the immunity. learn more ways to include barley in your diet.

Recipe Barley Brown Lentil Mushroom Stew with Harissa
Serves 2-3
1/2 cup pearl Barley
1/2 cup brown lentils
2 cups mushrooms,chopped
1 large onion,finely chopped
1 plum tomato,finely chopped
1 teaspoon fresh ginger,finely grated
2 cloves garlic,finely grated
2 tablespoon Harissa
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or canola oil

Rinse the lentils and barley in cold water.
Heat the oil on medium heat in a large pot or skillet. Add the onions ,saute for 2 minutes until translucent, then add the garlic,ginger,tomatoes and harissa.Add the lentils and barley,saute for 3-4 minutes,then add 3 cups of water.Cover and simmer for 25 minutes,then add the chopped mushrooms and simmer another 15-20 minutes on low heat until lentils and barley are tender.Serve warm with some fried onions.

Health nut Challenge 2 :Healing foods - please share your creations.Check here for the rules of the event.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Gingerbread Pancakes with Pomegranate Syrup

Fresh Ginger is an essential ingredient in almost all of my everyday savory dishes.As fabulous as its health benefits are ,ginger is superb in variety of cooking,even in desserts.Gingerbread Cookies with hint of fresh ginger are adored favorites.
These fascinating pancakes with peppery and lemony flavors of fresh ginger and drizzle of light pomegranate syrup,would make any breakfast a treat.Ideally served with pure maple syrup,is also perfect with the pomegranate syrup.Besides ginger,the molasses is the next unique component in these pancakes.

Molasses,the healthy Sweetener

A byproduct of sugar processing,the molasses is rich in iron and calcium ,its another healthy sweetener that works fantastically in baked goodies.Substitute molasses for sugar. One cup of molasses equals 3/4 cup of sugar.

Adapted from Kevin's Original recipe
Makes about 6-8 medium pancakes


1 cup whole wheat flour(fine ground)
1 teaspoon baking powder(alum free)
1/8 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup skimmed milk
1 Organic egg
2 tablespoon molasses
1 tablespoon Organic butter,melted

Sift together the flour, baking powder,cinnamon and salt in a large mixing bowl.In another bowl,whisk egg along with milk ,molasses,brown sugar and ginger . Mix both wet and dry mixtures.
Heat non stick pan on medium flame. Grease it lightly with oil . Ladle about 3 tablespoon of the batter onto pan for each pancake. Cook until the top is bubbly and bottom is dark brown, flip, and continue cooking for about 30 seconds.Repeat the same for the rest of the batter.serve with pure maple syrup or light Pomegranate syrup.

Light Pomegranate Syrup
Bring 2 cups of good quality pomegranate juice to a slow boil with 2 tablespoon of light brown sugar or 1 tablespoon of Agave nectar.Now stir in a teaspoon of Organic corn starch in a 2 teaspoon of water and pour it in the cooking pomegranate mixture while stirring constantly.Cook for a minute and turn off the heat.Serve the syrup with pancakes .

The recipe is my entry for Tried and Tasted,the featured blog of the month is Kevin's Closet cooking and the host is Hema of Salt 2 Taste

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Low Fat Kofta(Spiced Meatball) Curry

Research has shown vegetarian diet is a better defense against disease than the Non-vegetarian.But if you can't let go of the meat, then its best to choose lean meat ,that's low in saturated fats(leading cause of heart disease).Lean meat are good source of nutrients like protein, zinc, vitamin B12, and iron.Read more about Lean meat among WHFOOds.

Kofte,the spiced meatballs are a popular meaty delicacy in the Arabian and South Asian Cuisines.In Mona's remarkable Kofte recipe,the meat is seasoned to perfection and cooked in gravy with curry spices.This is certainly a very appetizing side dish ,the dry mango(amchur) powder(available in South Asian Stores) adds a smack to the meat,drenched in the gravy the meatballs soak up all the goodness of spices.

Recipe adapted from Mona's Amchur-Harimirch wale Kacche Gosht ke Kofte
Makes about 15-18 walnut size meat balls.


For Kofta(Spiced Meatball)
1/2 lb(250 grams) 99% lean meat(Beef\Veal\Lamb\Goat\Chicken\Turkey),minced
1/2 teaspoon Turmeric(haldi)
1/2 teaspoon red chili(sukhi mirch) flakes
1/2 teaspoon hot red chili powder(lal mirch)
1/2 teaspoon Dry Mango powder(amchur)
1/2 teaspoon each of ground cumin(zeera) and coriander(dhania)
1/2 teaspoon Salt
few leaves of fresh cilantro or mint ,chopped

For Curry
1 large or 2 medium onion(about 1 1\2 cup),chopped
1/2 cup low fat yogurt or Greek yogurt
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 clove garlic ,minced
1/2 inch fresh ginger,minced
1/2 teaspoon Garam Masala(Mix of ground cumin,coriander,cloves and cinnamon)
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon hot chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 green chillies
few curry leaves.
2 teaspoon Extra virgin olive oil or canola oil

Process and roll the meat balls
Blend together all the meat ball ingredients in food processor or blender until well combined.Transfer in a bowl.Make walnut size balls with the mixture and set aside.

Mona's tip on storage and freezing :The balls can be made ahead and stored in a freezable ziploc bags or containers.Thaw before cooking.

Cook the Curry and Meat balls
Saute onions in a teaspoon of oil until caramelized brown.Add the ginger and garlic,saute for a minute or two before adding rest of the spices(turmeric,chili powder and garam masala).Saute for 2-3 minutes.Reduce heat ,slowly stir in the yogurt.cook on low heat for a minute.Puree the mixture in a blender while adding a 1 1/2 cup of water.
In the same pan add another teaspoon of oil,curry leaves and green chillies,when it starts to splutter,slowly pour in the onion mixture.Bring to a slow boil,carefully drop the meat balls.Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes until the meatballs are cooked through.Serve warm with Whole grain Naan or pita.

Kofta Curry,the Mint Lamb chops and Kachchi Lamb Biryani are my contributions for Mona's Hyderabadi Bakrid Food Festival.

Prevent Cross Contamination
After handling raw meat\poultry,be sure to wash hands thoroughly and also the containers,cutting boards or knives the meat was in contact with.

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Greek Yogurt

Old man winter's is knocking on the door.With bare trees,chill in the air,the brilliance of sun is at least intensity.While bundling up in woolly attire essentially protects us from outside ,a warm soothing meal nurtures the body from within to pull through the cold season.

The butternut squash is among the staple winter squashes available through the season.A member of pumpkin family butter squash has smooth almost buttery texture,that makes it ideal in soups and stews.The lightly sweet taste of the squash is a good complement with the spices and the tang from the Greek yogurt used in this warm nourishing soup.

Recipe: Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Greek Yogurt
1 medium butternut squash
2 cups vegetable broth
1 cup low fat Organic Greek Yogurt
1/2 a medium onion(about 1/4 cup),finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon of hot chili powder
1 clove garlic,peeled and finely chopped
half-inch fresh ginger,peeled and finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
few leaves of fresh herbs, sage or rosemary
Few toasted pumpkin or squash seeds for garnish
2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil


To Roast the Butternut Squash

Cut the squash in to half lengthwise, lightly brushed with cooking oil, and place cut side down on a baking sheet.Bake at 375F for 45 minutes or until softened.The roasted squash can be used in variety of different ways just as the pumpkins.The roasted seeds are good for snacking or making pesto sauce or garnish on the soup as in this recipe.
To make the soup
Heat the oil in a medium pan,saute the onions for a minute,add the garlic and spices(chili powder,ginger and garlic),saute another minute.Blend this onion mixture with the 2 cups of roasted butternut squash,salt and fresh herbs while adding 2 cups of broth until smooth.Return the mixture back to the pan and bring to a slow boil.Reduce the heat and stir in the yogurt.Simmer on low heat for 2 minutes.Serve warm with some toasted pumpkin or squash seeds and some more Greek yogurt on top.And a whole grain bread on side.

Share your the heart warming "Soups for Happy Soul" at Monthly Mingle hosted this month by Sunshine mom.

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

How to Perfectly Slice a Pomegranate ?

It took several trials until I found this easy way to slice the pomegranate with all the arils intact and without spilling the precious juices over board.Cutting down the middle like an orange isn't as stainless as the following method that is more clean and elegant procedure to slice up the piece of heaven.

1.Cut the top section with a sharp knife(use a smaller fruit knife if you have one)

2.Observe the ridges that separate the compartments of the seeds.Make a cut along the white ridges all the way from top to bottom.

3.Slowly put apart the sections of the fruit to what appears like a flower.

Now its much easier to separate the arils from the inedible white pith.

Pom Yo!
I feast on these with a dollop of fat-free Greek yogurt(Chobani or Okios)