Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

A Soup and Salad that Saved my day

I've slurped quite a few warming soups past week while recovering from the nasty viral infection.I personally never liked canned soups,the fresh home made soups certainly are my preference,lower in sodium and higher in flavor plus some wholesome pasta can make a potent meal,feeding body's defenses against infections.

Chunky Veggie Tomato Soup with Pasta
(serves 3)
2 cups tomato puree
1 cup carrots,diced or sliced
1/4 cup peas
1/4 cup french beans
1 clove garlic,finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon cumin powder
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
2 cups vegetable stock or water
1 tablespoon fresh cilantro,finely chopped
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
2 cups cooked pasta
pita chips for garnish

Heat the oil in a medium saucepan at medium heat, then add the garlic and spices,sauté for a minute.Add tomato puree,vegetables including the juice and the vegetable stock. Bring to a boil, season with salt, then let simmer for 20-25 minutes until veggies are tender,then add the cooked pasta.Simmer couple more minutes.serve warm with some pita chips.

I'd love to share this soup with FIL:tomatoes event at Sanghi's Blog.

Lentil Fattoush Salad

This is a refreshing Lebanese salad,usually made with greens ,crunchy pita chips and veggies,spiced up with tart sumac spice(available in Middle eastern stores).The brilliant idea of adding lentils comes from Suganya's Lentil fattoush salad,making this salad a meal in itself.Another invigorating meal that made me feel better.

(Serves 2)
1/2 cup Whole lentils like green mung or pigeon peas
1 bay leaf
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 cups Romaine or Iceberg lettuce,chopped
1 medium tomato ,chopped
3-4 baby carrots,sliced
1/2 a cup pita chips,crushed

For Dressing
1 tablespoon herbs like mint or parsley,finely chopped
1 teaspoon Sumac
1 teaspoon Aleppo pepper or red pepper flakes
2 tablespoon lemon juice,freshly squeezed
1 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper,freshly ground

Wash and soak the lentils in cold water for 10 minutes.Drain the water,transfer in a pressure cooker or small saucepan with lid.Add 1 cup of water ,season with salt,drop the cinnamon stick and bay leaf and Cover,let cook on medium-high heat for about 8 minutes in pressure cooker and 30 minutes in the saucepan just until soft but not mushy.
Transfer all the vegetable in a large mixing bowl.Mix in the cooked lentils.Prepare the dressing in another bowl ,by whisking together the oil,juice,salt and spices.Combine the dressing in the vegetables mixture,toss to coat well.Sprinkle with crushed pita chips and serve.

I'm sending this Tasty Palettes's Tried and Tasted recipe to sweatha of Tasty curry leaf.

Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Ven Pongal and Gosthu :South Indian comfort food

Warm and Velvety rice-lentils(Ven Pongal) served with hot spiced-up lentils veggie gravy(Gosthu)is Classic taste of South Indian comfort food.Folks down south ,love their food spicy and hot;rice and lentils are consumed almost 3 meals a days.The piquant sambar powder is well-stocked spice in every household,used to flavor the tangy tamarind and lentil based soups like Sambar and Rasam.With heavy duty grinder missing in my kitchen I use the store-bought sambhar powder,but nothing beats the taste amd aroma of fresh home made sambar powder.
Suganya's Ven Pongal with Gosthu is typically served for breakfast or brunch.This is my third delectable recipe tried and tasted from Tasty Palettes.Glad to be sending this over to the host of T&T this month,sweatha of Tasty curry leaf.

Ven Pongal

(serves 2)
1/2 cup White Rice
1/2 cup Yellow Mung dal
1 teaspoon fresh ginger,finely chopped
1 teaspoon Peppercorns
1/2 a teaspoon each of cumin and mustard seeds
2-3 dry red chillies
6-8 curry leaves
1 tablespoon vegetable oil or extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Wash and soak the rice & lentil for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water,transfer in a pressure cooker or small saucepan with lid.Add 3 cups of water ,season with salt and Cover,let cook on medium-high heat for about 10-12 minutes in pressure cooker and 45-50 minutes in the saucepan until soft and mushy.
Prepare the tempering by heating the oil in a small pan,add the chillies,seeds,curry leaves ,ginger and pepper corns.saute for a minute,then mix in the cooked rice-lentil mixture.add a little hot water if needed.Serve hot with gosthu or any chutney


(serves 2)
1/4 cup Yellow Mung Dal
2 cups Mixed vegetables Eggplants,carrot,cauliflower,squash or any other you like,cut in chunks
1/2 a medium Onion, sliced
1 medium plum Tomato ,chopped
1 cup tamarind water,soak about a tablespoon of tamarind in warm water for few minutes,strain out the pulp. or use 1 teaspoon of tamarind paste and mix in a cup of water.
1 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 a teaspoon each of cumin and mustard seeds
2 tablespoon Cilantro,chopped
1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil or Extra virgin Olive oil
1/2 a teaspoon Salt
1 tablespoon Sambar powder(roasted and ground coriander seeds,red chillies and Chana lentil)
Wash and soak the lentil for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water,transfer in a pressure cooker or small saucepan with lid.Add 1 cups of water ,season with salt and Cover,let cook on medium-high heat for about 10-12 minutes in pressure cooker and 45-50 minutes in the saucepan until soft.When cooked mash or blend it to smooth paste.
To prepare the gravy heat oil on medium heat in a medium saucepan ,add the mustard seeds,onions and curry leaves. saute for 2-3 minutes,then add the tomatoes and turmeric.Cook another 2 minutes before stirring in the tamarind water and sambar powder and vegetables.cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes until veggies are tender.Finally add the cooked lentil paste and simmer 5 more minutes before turning off the heat. Serve hot with rice ,idli,dosa or gosthu.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

DB Challenge March:Spinach Lasagne with Vegan Cauliflower Bachemal and Vegetable Ragu

First of all,my hearty thanks to my well wishers.I'm feeling better now,still a little sniffy ,achy and weak,I know you won't believe that If I say that I made this pasta dish from scratch in spite of my illness.
After slurping soups and stews for quite for sometime now,this lasagne recipe was certainly very appetizing and filling.The only tough part was the rolling of the pasta,as it requires lot of muscle,which obviously seemed to have diminished from the sick episode.With my previous attempts to make pasta with whole wheat flour in vain,I stuck the original recipe for the pasta.The vegan Bachemal and ragu best suited my diet right now.
The soft pasta in layers of flavorful sauce satisfied the taste buds of even my little one.If Only I had not procrastinated completing the challenge until the last week,I could have put in more zeal in to the preparation and presentation.

The March 2009 Daring Bakers challenge is hosted by Mary of Beans and Caviar, Melinda of Melbourne Larder and Enza of Io Da Grande. They have chosen Lasagne of Emilia-Romagna from The Splendid Table by Lynne Rossetto Kasper for the challenge.

(watch the making of the lasagne)
Spinach Lasagne
(Serves 3-4)
Preparation Time: 15 minutes to assemble and 40 minutes cooking time
1 recipe Spinach Pasta cut for lasagna (recipe follows)#1
1 recipe Cauliflower Bechamel Sauce (recipe follows)#2
1 recipe Vegetable Ragu (recipe follows)#3
1/4 cup Italian bread crumbs

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Oil or butter a 2 quart (approx 2 litre) shallow baking dish.

Cooking the Pasta:
Bring 5 cups of the salted water to a boil. Drop about four pieces of pasta in the water at a time. Cook about 2 minutes. If you are using dried pasta, cook about 4 minutes, taste, and cook longer if necessary. The pasta will continue cooking during baking, so make sure it is only barely tender. Lift the lasagne from the water with a skimmer, drain, and then slip into the bowl of cold water to stop cooking. When cool, lift out and dry on the paper towels. Repeat until all the pasta is cooked.

Assembling the Lasagne:
Spread a thin layer of béchamel over the bottom of the baking dish. Arrange a layer of about four overlapping sheets of pasta over the béchamel. Spread a thin layer of béchamel (about 3 or 4 spoonfuls) over the pasta, and then an equally thin layer of the ragu. Sprinkle with about 1&1/2 tablespoons of the béchamel . Repeat the layers until all ingredients are used, finishing with béchamel sauce and topping with a dusting of bread crumbs.

Baking and Serving the Lasagne:
Cover the baking dish lightly with foil,bake 40 minutes, or until almost heated through. Remove the foil and bake another 10 minutes, or until hot in the center (test by inserting a knife – if it comes out very warm, the dish is ready). Turn off the oven, leave the door ajar and let the lasagne rest for about 10 minutes. Then serve. This is not a solid lasagne, but a moist one that slips a bit when it is cut and served.

#1 Spinach Egg Pasta (Pasta Verde)

Makes enough for 3 to 4 servings .


1 large Organic egg
4 ounces fresh spinach, rinsed dry, and finely chopped; or 3 ounces frozen chopped spinach, defrosted and squeezed dry
1 1/2 cups all purpose unbleached (plain) flour (organic stone ground preferred)

Working by Hand:

A roomy work surface. Any smooth surface will do, but marble cools dough slightly, making it less flexible than desired.
A wooden dowel-style rolling pin. In Italy, pasta makers use one about 35 inches long and 2 inches thick (89cm long and 5cm thick). The shorter American-style pin with handles at either end can be used, but the longer it is, the easier it is to roll the pasta.
Note: although it is not traditional, Enza has successfully made pasta with a marble rolling pin, and this can be substituted for the wooden pin, if you have one.

Plastic wrap to wrap the resting dough and to cover rolled-out pasta waiting to be filled. It protects the pasta from drying out too quickly.

A sharp chef’s knife or pizza cutter for cutting pasta sheets.

Mixing the dough:
Mound the flour in the center of your work surface and make a well in the middle. Add the egg and spinach. Use a wooden spoon to beat together the egg and spinach. Then gradually start incorporating shallow scrapings of flour from the sides of the well into the liquid. As you work more and more flour into the liquid, the well’s sides may collapse. Sprinkle few drops of water if needed. Don’t worry if it looks like a hopelessly rough and messy lump.

Knead the dough for about 3 minutes. Its consistency should be elastic and a little sticky. If it is too sticky to move easily, knead in a few more tablespoons of flour. Continue kneading about 10 minutes, or until the dough has become satiny, smooth, and very elastic. It will feel alive under your hands. Do not shortcut this step. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap, and let it relax at room temperature 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Stretching and Thinning:
If using an extra-long rolling pin work with half the dough at a time. With a regular-length rolling pin, roll out a quarter of the dough at a time and keep the rest of the dough wrapped. Lightly sprinkle a large work surface with flour. The idea is to stretch the dough rather than press down and push it. Shape it into a ball and begin rolling out to form a circle, frequently turning the disc of dough a quarter turn. As it thins outs, start rolling the disc back on the pin a quarter of the way toward the center and stretching it gently sideways by running the palms of your hands over the rolled-up dough from the center of the pin outward. Unroll, turn the disc a quarter turn, and repeat. Do twice more.

Stretch and even out the center of the disc by rolling the dough a quarter of the way back on the pin. Then gently push the rolling pin away from you with one hand while holding the sheet in place on the work surface with the other hand. Repeat three more times, turning the dough a quarter turn each time.

Repeat the two processes as the disc becomes larger and thinner. The goal is a sheet of even thickness. For lasagne, the sheet should be so thin that you can clearly see your hand through it and see colours. Cut into rectangles about 4 by 8 inches (10 x 20 cm).

Dry the pasta at room temperature and store in a sealed container or bag.

(bachemal sauce video)
#2 Cauliflower Bechamel
4 ounces,2cups cauliflower florets
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons all purpose unbleached (plain) flour, organic stone ground preferred
1 1/2 cup cauliflower water,use the water drain after cooking the cauliflower
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Freshly grated nutmeg to taste

Bring 3 cups of water to boil in a pot,carefully drop the cauliflower florets ,cover and cook until tender,about 10 minutes.Drain and use the water for making the roux.Blend the cauliflower to a smooth paste;set aside.

To make the roux,Use a medium-sized saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Sift over the flour, whisk until smooth, and then stir (without stopping) for about 3 minutes. Whisk in the cauliflower water a little at a time and keep the mixture smooth. Bring to a slow simmer, and stir 3 to 4 minutes, or until the sauce thickens. Cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes, until the sauce mix in the cauliflower paste and stir well. Season with salt, pepper, and a hint of nutmeg.

#3 Vegetable Ragu’

1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 a medium onion, finely chopped
1 bell pepper,finely chopped
1 cup button mushrooms,finely chopped
1 clove garlic
1/2 teaspoon chili powder(optional)
1 medium stalk celery with leaves, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped(about 1 cup)
1 canned plum tomatoes ,drained and crushed or 2 large tomatoes steamed,skinned and pureed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Heat the olive oil in a skillet (frying pan) over medium-high heat. . Add the onions sauté for a minute then add the garlic,saute another minute.Now add in the vegetables,chili powder,season with salt and pepper.Cover and cook until vegetables are tender,about 10-15 minutes.Add the tomatoes,Cook uncovered, at a very slow bubble for another 15 minutes, or until the sauce resembles a thick stew.

Thanks to the hosts for the awesome challenge.check out other creative variations of this lasagne.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Vegan Soy chunks Empanadas

Empandas are stuffed Mexican pastries ,with many savory variations.I made these hearty empanadas all vegan,using Soy instead of meat along with vegetables,nuts and fruits.These are off to Vaishali's Vegan Mexican food event.

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 pack active dry yeast,2 teaspoon
1 cup warm water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive oil or vegetable oil

for filling
1 cup soy chunks(nutrela) or firm tofu
1/2 a medium onion,chopped
1 small tomato ,chopped
1 medium carrot,chopped
1/2 cup broccoli,chopped
2 cloves garlic,finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon each of cumin and coriander powder
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup roasted almonds,coarsely chopped
1/4 cup dried fruits,cranberries,raisin or cherries
2 tablespoon fresh herbs cilantro or parsley,finely chopped
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Cook the soy chunks
Bring 2 cups of water to a boil,turn off the heat,add the soy chunks,cover and let soak for 20 minutes.Uncover,drain and squeeze out excess water,chop the chunks to smaller pieces.

Prepare the dough
Stir the yeast in the warm water and let rise for couple minutes.In a mixing bowl add the flour ,salt and oil,stir in the yeast mixture.Mix to combine,knead for 2 minutes or until smooth.Cover and leave to rise for an hour.

Prepare the filling
Heat oil in a pan,add the onions,saute until translucent then add the garlic,after few seconds,stir in the rest of the spices and vegetables.Cover and cook for 5 minutes,then mix in the chopped soy chunks.Allow the flavors to soak in the soy chunks ,cook for another 5 minutes.Mix the herbs,nuts and dried fruits.Cool the mixture completely.
Shape and Bake the empanadas
Preheat Over to 400F.

Divide the dough in 5 equal portions.On a lightly floured work surface ,roll out each piece to a 7inch round. Spoon the filling into center of rounds,then fold over in to half-moon shape.Press edges together and roll over to seal.Place on a baking sheet,cover with cling wrap.Leave pastries in a warm place for 10-15 minutes or until slightly risen.
Uncover the empanadas,bake for 10 minutes.Reduce the temperature to 350F and bake for another 15 minutes.Serve warm with Salad.

The Pretty Pink Beet pasta adapted from Bharti's recipe is off to Presto Pasta Nights,hosted this week by Aquadaze

Blog Hopping Break! nut is sick and down with spring fever,and will not be able to blog hop until next week:(

Archives :March 2009

March 31A Soup and a Salad that Saved my Day

March 30Ven Pongal and Gosthu:South Indian Comfort Food

March 28Daring Bakers March Challenge :Spinach Lasagne with Cauliflower Bachemal and Vegetable Ragu

March 26Soy Chunk Empanadas

March 24Cinnamon-Cocoa quick Bread

March 23Weekend Herb Blogging #175 round up

March 20Almond Pâté

March 18Beet Full Meal Ideas I :Beet Oatmeal,Beet Pancakes,Beet Parathas and Beet Almond Lemon Pasta

March 15Annoucing Weekend Herb Blogging #175 and Spicy roasted Acorn Squash Soup

March 13Chilled Avocado Soup

March 11Chocolate Sweet Potato Marble Bundt Cake

March 7Carribean Style Kabobs with Rice and Beans

March 1Almond Stuffed Dates

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Cinnamon-Cocoa Quick Bread

The captivating sweet aroma of cinnamon evokes happiness.Its essential oils have been used for aromatherapy since times immemorial,no wonder its a familiar spice in natural air fresheners.
There are two common kinds of cinnamon.The Ceylon cinnamon ,looks like a cigar ,is considered the real cinnamon,is relatively brittle,sweeter and aromatic than the others kinds.Its related common species Cassia Cinnamon,the thick barks,is much tougher to grind and has more intense flavor.This spice is considered good for controlling diabetes and lowering cholesterol.The rule of moderation also applies to cinnamon ,not healthy when consumed in excess.

Cinnamon is also the most common baking spice.The Cinnamon-Cocoa Quick Bread has been adapted from Kevin's Cinnamon Bread.Adding Cocoa is optional,make is exclusively with cinnamon for a cinfully good loaf of bread.

1 1/2 cups Whole Wheat flour
1 cup All Purpose Flour
1/2 a teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 large organic eggs or replace with 1/2 cup flax seed meal
1/2 cup Reduced Fat Organic Milk or soy milk or almond milk
1/2 cup Organic reduced fat yogurt
1/4 cup Extra virgin Olive oil
1 teaspoon pure vanilla(alcohol-free)
little bit of butter for greasing the pan

For Cinnamon Filling\Topping
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon(I used Cassia)
1 tablespoon unsweetened Cocoa powder
1 tablespoon brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and place rack in center of oven.Grease a 9 x 5 x 3 inch loaf pan with butter; set aside.
In a large mixing bowl sift the dry ingredients(flours,salt,baking soda and powder).
In another smaller bowl,crack the eggs ,whisk for few seconds then combine rest of the wet ingredients(sugar,oil,milk,yogurt and vanilla).
Pour this wet mixture in to the flour mixture,gradually while stirring it for a lump free batter.
Mix together the cinnamon filling\topping ingredients in a bowl.
Spread the 1/3rd of the batter in to the prepared pan,sprinkle 1/3rd of the cinnamon mixture all over the batter.Now spread 1/3rd of the batter,then sprinkle 1/3rd of the cinnamon mixture.Lastly spread rest of the batter and sprinkle with remaining cinnamon mixture.
Bake in the middle rack of the oven about 45-50 minutes until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Cool about 30 minutes;loosen the sides using a table knife,flip the pan on to the cutting board. Slice and serve.Can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a week.

This homemade quick bread is my entry for Homemade Bread #2

The click is my entry for Click-Wood,an exciting photography event started by Jai and Bee of Jugalbandi.

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Weekend Herb Blogging #175 Round Up.

A big thanks to all the amiable bloggers who sent in extraordinary entries for Weekend Herb Blogging #175.Here is the recap is in the order received:


Ben of Whats cooking(Ohio USA) has introduced us to this awesome green fruit called tomatillos or Husk Tomatoes,native to Mexico and Guatemala.The simplest delicacy to cherish this nutritious Mexican staple food is the Salsa verde,a sauce with tantalizing flavors of roasted tomatillos,jalapeño,onions and garlic. Do check out some more tasty variations with tomatillos.

Curry Leaf

Vicky of Viki's Kitchen(New Jersey USA) prepared this flavorful chutney using curry leaf,a herb with amazing medicinal values including managing diabetes and weight loss.Commonly used in Indian cooking for tempering lentils or flavoring curries,a raw chutney like such keeps most of the nutrients intact.


Muneeba of Edible Symphony(New York USA) uses fresh basil to made an Italian sandwich in a snap , what an ingenious idea of using-up fresh herbs .


Ivy of Kopiaste.. to Greek Hospitality(Greece) made an healthful Greek beet salad called panzanella.This is no ordinary salad,made with vinegar preserved beets and authentic Greek ingredients,certainly makes a enjoyable meal in itself.


Aquadaze of Served with Love(USA) uses aromatic basil to prepare a simple stir fried minced meat flavored with authentic Thai sauces besides generous amount of herb ,garlic and chillies.

Lemon Grass

Ela of Everything's Herbed(Laguna,Philippines) uses the fragrant Lemon grass to pep up the roasted chicken with lemony goodness of the herb.


Joanne of Eats Well With Others(Massachusetts, USA) has put together a spicy and satisfying meal using one of her favorite wholesome grain Quinoa and other fresh flavors of corn and sun dried tomatoes.

Flat leave Parsley

Priya of Priya's Easy and Tasty Recipes(Paris,France) relished her basque country chicken dish with flavorsome parsley and lots of vibrant bell peppers.


Christine of Kits Chow(Vancouver, Canada)cooks a delightful seafood meal for the holy fasting season of Lent. She uses exotic oysters,fresh veggies,herb and spices to prepare a nourishing meal fit for South beach dieters .


Jerry of Jerry's Thoughts,musings and Rants(Ontario, Canada) cooked an awesome roasted fish,topped with a flavorful Orange-Parsley salsa.Considering the health promoting antioxidants locked in the fresh parsley and orange,the salsa sure makes healthful topping on the baked fish.

Cinzia of Cindystar(Bardolino, Lake of Garda, Italy) prepared an appealing sea food meal with fresh caught Sea bream , she seasoned the fish with bunch of fresh herbs including parsley, basil, cilantro, thyme, marjoram, dill, rosemary, sage, fennel, tarragon and baked to perfection over bed of sweet potatoes.

Dried Figs

Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything At Least Once(Australia) served up a drool worthy treat made with dried figs simmered in honey and balsamic vinegar along with peppery spices - cloves ,cinnamon and cracked black pepper.The result is a syrupy plumped up figs ,apt with exotic Saganaki cheese.

Oat Seeds

Brii of Brii Blog(Valsorda ,Lake of Garda, Italy) fixed up a nutritious oat seed salad with raw vegetables,dressed it with zesty oranges ,mint and olive oil.Truly healthful in every bite.

Ivy of Kopiaste.. to Greek Hospitality(Greece)served a vegan version of a traditional Greek dish called Moussakas.She baked layers of sauteed Eggplants,Courgettes, Potatoes,and button mushrooms in a flavorful vegetable sauce and topped with a creamy potato almonds sauce(Béchamel).A fulfilling meal for veggie cravings.

Acorn squash

And finally for my entry this week,a heart warming soup made with acorn squash roasted in oven with spicy Onion tomato and herbs gravy.

To continue the quest for unique herbs,fruits and veggies join this week Anna from Anna's Cool Finds,hosting WHB #176.
My Hearty thanks to Kalyn and Haalo for the superb event.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Almond Pâté

While exploring delectable Tasty Palettes for recipes with my best-loved ingredient,I was excited to have found this savory Almond Pâté recipe. Pâté is French for paste,usually prepared with ground meat and other seasonings.But this Almond Pâté has no meat ,just almonds ,flavored with herbs and spices;makes a perfect quick-fix spread on toasts and sandwiches.Another perfect recipe Tried and Tasted,thanks to Suganya and the host of T&T this month Sweatha of Tasty Curry Leaf
(I made few minor changes to the Original recipe)
1 cup Roasted Almonds,coarsely processed
1/2 a medium onion,finely chopped
1 small hot pepper\chili,finely chopped(optional)
1 tablespoon Extra virgin Olive oil
1/2 teaspoon ground Cumin
2 tablespoon fresh herbs like parsley,cilantro ,chives or any other,finely chopped
1/2 cup Bread crumbs(for homemade,toast 2 slices whole wheat bread,and coarsely process it)
1 big clove Garlic,minced
2 tablespoon Fat free Mayonnaise or silken tofu
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black Pepper
2 tablespoon freshly squeezed Lemon juice
Parchment paper or plastic wrap for rolling

Heat the oil in a pan on medium heat,saute onions until lightly brown ,about 2-3 minutes,add garlic and cumin,saute another minute.Turn off the heat.Now stir in the almonds,bread crumbs,herbs,season with salt and pepper.Transfer to a mixing bowllet cool for a minute,add in mayonnaise or silken tofu,lemon juice ,and combine well until everything is incorporated and the mixture come together.Make a log by rolling in a Parchment paper or plastic wrap.Slice and serve on toasts or sandwiches with fresh greens and sliced tomato.Can be store in refrigerator for up to a week.

I'm also sending these over to the Let go nuts event,featured nut this month is Almonds at JZ's Tasty Treats

Thanks Rathna!

I was extremely delighted to receive this gift from Rathna of Asvadha for the MEO win.These eco-friendly bags are latest trend here made with 100% recyclable material and reusable.Thanks Rathna for the lovely reward,it sure gives me a vibrant start for the spring:)

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Beet full meal ideas- Series 1: Beet Oatmeal,Beet Pancakes,Beet Parathas and Beet Pasta

How often do you eat beets?I bought this bunch of beets after I don't know how many months.Often times we avoid beets because of the mess it creates or out of ideas to use them in our daily meals.What ever might be the reason,think again,this gorgeous vegetable of the Mediterranean origin is considered a powerhouse of nutrition from root to its leaves.Raw beet juice is said to be good for treating some form of cancers.The good source of folate can prevent birth defects in pregnant women.The leaves are next only to spinach in its nutrition.
Not very practical to eat them raw,but there are numerous ways to incorporate this wonder veggie in your daily meals.In the Series 1 are the recipes with Beet Puree,which are sure to change your perspective about cooking with beets.

How to cook beets?
Stove Top Method
Rinse the beets under cold water.Transfer them to pot or pressure cooker,fill in water until all the beets are completely immersed.Cover and cook on medium heat,takes about 40-45 minutes in a pot and 20-25 minutes in a pressure cooker to be fork tender. Drain all the water,peel ,slice and serve in salads or soups .Or add 1/2 a cup of water and puree in a blender,can be used in gravies,baking breads,muffins or in parathas(flatbread) and pancakes.
Conventional Oven Method
Preheat Oven to 400F. Lay beets on a sheet lined with aluminum foil and coat with little olive oil and let bake for about 35-40 minutes until tender. Let cool for 10 minutes then peel and chop or slice.

Beet Pancakes with Pomegranate Syrup

1 1/4 cup Whole wheat flour
1 cup Reduced fat milk or soy milk
1/4 cup beet puree
1/4 cup dried cherries or raisins,chopped
2 tablespoons Olive oil
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt

Makes about 15 pancakes.

For Pomegranate syrup
1 cup pomegranate juice
1 tablespoon sugar

Make the syrup by reducing the juice with sugar until half its original quantity.

sift together the flour, baking powder,baking soda and salt in a large mixing bowl.Add in the puree,milk and combine well using a whisk until smooth free of lumps.
Heat non stick pan on medium flame. Grease it lightly with oil . Pour one ladle of batter drizzle about a little oil all over and wait for a minute before flipping and let it cook for another minute.Repeat the same for the rest of the batter.Stack the pancakes and drizzle the syrup and enjoy!

Beet Oatmeal

I usually serve this to my toddler,but really any body who loves to start the day with a bowl of oatmeal should try flavoring with beets,for added nutrition.

1 cup oats ,quick cooking or original
1 tablespoon Beet puree
1 1/2 cup water or Organic reduced fat milk or soy milk
1 teaspoon maple syrup(optional)
A handful of any preferred dry fruits and nuts.

Bring the water or milk to boil in a small saucepan,add the oats,cook as per the package instructions.When cooked ,turn off the heat,mix in the beet puree and serve with a drizzle of honey and sprinkle of dry or fresh fruits and nuts.

Beet Parathas

I got this brilliant idea of adding beets in parathas from Dershana's recipe,a delightful nourishing variation for a family that eats parathas for 2 meals of the day.
2 cups Whole wheat flour
2 tablespoon Beet Pure
1 tablespoon milled flax seed
1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin olive oil(EVOO)
1/2 teaspoon Sea Salt
1 cup water

Prepare the dough:Add all the dry ingredients in mixing bowl,combine them. Make a well in the middle pour in the water ,beet puree and oil. Mix until the dough is smooth ,knead for couple of minutes and let rest for about 10minutes before rolling in to parathas.
Rolling and Roasting the Paratha:Divide the dough in to about 10-12 portions and roll in to balls. Sprinkle a little flour(I prefer All purpose flour) on the rolling surface. Use a rolling pin to roll them in to round parathas.See here for a pictorial paratha recipe.
Preheat an iron pan(Tava) or non stick pan at medium high flame. Roast the parathas flip once and spread little bit of oil and flip again after few seconds. For softer parathas use a spatula or a kitchen towel to lightly press and roll them around the pan. Parathas are ready to serve when slightly brown on both sides. A curry in a hurry is perfect with these parathas.

Beet Almond Lemon Pasta

How could I resist the pretty in pink pasta recipe of another Healthnut, Bharti.The zesty pasta became instant favorite of my boys.The elder one was a little reluctant,the big guy knows pink is meant to be for girls,but after having a bite quickly changed his mind in favor of this pink food.
I excluded dairy from the recipe and used almonds instead.

1/2 a pound Whole grain Penne pasta,use any kind
1/2 a medium onion,finely chopped
1 big clove garlic,minced
1/2 a cup Beet puree
1/4 cup roasted Almonds,coarsely ground or processed
2 tablespoon lemon juice,freshly squeezed
1 teaspoon lemon zest.
1/4 teaspoon black pepper or red chilly powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive oil
2 tablespoon fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley,finely chopped.

Cook the pasta as per the package instructions.

Heat the oil on medium heat,add the onions,saute for 3-4 minutes until lightly brown,add the garlic ,saute another minute.Add the almonds,beet puree,salt and the pepper,stir in 2 tablespoons of water allow the mixture to warm up ,then mix in the cooked pasta.Finally add in the herbs,lemon juice and the zest ,combine well and serve.

This pink series of foods are off to Food In Colors,a food event started by talented Sunshinemom.Hosting the pretty pink is Priya of Priya's Easy n Tasty Recipes

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

Spicy Roasted Acorn Squash Soup.Hosting Weekend Herb Blogging #175

I'm delighted to be hosting this week, Weekend Herb Blogging,one of my favorite food events. Started by Kalyn and now conducted by Halo,WHB is now in its 4th successful year of showcasing every week ,food prepared using unique herbs,fruits and vegetables by bloggers around the world.

Lets make the rules for Weekend Herb Blogging clear:

1. Entries to Weekend Herb Blogging must be posts written specifically for Weekend Herb Blogging. This means they cannot be cross-posted in other events. Photos used in the posts however can be submitted to photo events like DMBLGIT.

2. Weekend Herb Blogging entries should have the goal of helping people learn about cooking with herbs or plant ingredients.

Only two types of entries will be accepted:
* Recipe posts where a herb or plant ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe
* Informative posts that spotlight one herb or plant ingredient, particularly including information about how they are used in cooking.
Naturally, posts can be a combination of both these criteria.

For the first time participants ,here are some clarifications in Kalyn's own words :
What does "one of the primary ingredients in the recipe" mean?
This means the dish could not be made without that herb or unusual plant ingredient. For example, chicken with sage cream sauce would be great; grilled chicken with parsley sprinkled on would not be okay.

What does "unusual plant ingredient" mean?
I realize that what's unusual varies greatly in different parts of the world, and I'm not saying people need to seek out something no one has ever heard of each week. Participants can certainly spotlight any ingredient that's unusual to them (for example I've never cooked with fennel, although it's not unusual to some people.) Unusual fruits and vegetables or spices are certainly welcome. It's my hope that this restriction will eliminate plant ingredients that are so ordinary no one is really interested in hearing about them.

3. Posts must contain the phrase Weekend Herb Blogging with a link to this post and to this page.

4. Mail me your entries at YasmeenHealthnut[at]gmail[dot]com with WHB in the subject line between March 16th to March 22th by:
3pm Sunday - Utah Time
10pm Sunday - London Time
9am Monday - Melbourne (Aus) Time
You can use this converter to find out the corresponding time in your location.

5. In email please include the following information:

* Your Name
* Your Blog Name/URL
* Your Post URL
* Your Location
* Attach a photo Minimum 350px wide

Recap will hopefully be posted on Monday.If you have any questions, please leave a comment or email me at YasmeenHealthnut[at]gmail[dot]com. Check the archives to get the picture of some unique recipes.
Heat up your kitchens ,I Hope to see unique and refreshing entries from all the enthusiastic foodies.

Following recipe is my entry for WHB #175.
Spicy Roasted Acorn Squash Soup
Acorn Squash belong to Winter Squash family,don't be mistaken by its name,these kind of squash are harvested in Fall and available year-round.With a long shelf life of 2-3 months,these squashes can be incredibly hard to peel and an easy way to cook them is to roast them.Using fresh herbs and spices while roasting is an added nutrition and flavor to these vitamin-rich squash.
Soup is got to be one the delightful dishes with the acorn squash.I stuffed the squash with spicy Onion tomato and herbs gravy and roasted it for a savory soup that makes a warm start of any meal.

Serves 4
1 medium acorn squash,washed
1/2 a medium onion,chopped
1 big Plum tomato,finely chopped
1 big clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon chili powder\Cayenne pepper
1/2 a teaspoon each of cumin and coriander powder
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
2 tablespoon Cilantro\Coriander,finely chopped
1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive oil
1 cup water or vegetable Stock

Prepare the filling
Heat oil in a saucepan on medium heat,add onions and saute until lightly brown about 3-4 minutes,add the garlic ,saute for another minute before adding in the spices ,herbs and tomatoes.Cover and let cook about 5 minutes ,until tomatoes are tender.Now add a cup of water or vegetable stock and simmer for a minute.

Preheat oven to 400F(205C). Slice the top section of the squash ,clear the cavities of all the seeds(Don't throw them,toasted seeds are great for snacking) and threads.Set the squash on a baking sheet,pour in the filling and cover with the top.Let bake for about 50-60 minutes ,or until its soft to touch from outside.Also visible in the picture are the fingerling potatoes I baked along side the squash.

When cool enough to handle,pour back the filling in to the blender along with all scooped out pulp of the squash.Blend until smooth and return the soup in to the saucepan and allow to simmer for 2 minutes.Serve warm,topped with croutons.

If desired blend in a cup of cooked lentils(like Toor or Yellow Mung) puree for a smoother and even more nutritious soup.

Left Overs
The left over of this soup is great for making parathas(flat bread),just mix in a cup of left over soup in the wheat flour while making the dough ,for a wholesome spicy parathas.Or use as in a gravy with meat or vegetables.

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Tried and Tasted Tasty Palettes : Chilled Avocado Soup

The creamy Chilled Avocado soup ,courtesy of Suganya of Tasty Palettes ,has a decent amount of Mono saturated(AKA good kind of fat) in every ounce.Suganya describes this as "darn addictive ",undoubtedly this velvety soup in now in my treasured list of Avocado recipes.

2 Ripe Avocados,Peeled and cubed.(see how to to cut them)
1/2 a medium onion,chopped
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 big clove Garlic,finely chopped
1/2 cup Broccoli ,finely chopped. Or use Frozen fava beans or peas
2 small green chili,seeded and chopped
1/4 cup Cilantro\Coriander ,finely chopped
3/4 cup fat free Plain yogurt
1 tablespoon Extra virgin Olive oil
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/4 black pepper,freshly ground
1/2 a cup water,little more for thinner soup.
1 tablespoon lemon\lime juice,freshly squeezed

Heat the oil on medium heat,add the cumin seeds and onion saute for a minute until translucent then add the garlic saute until aromatic ,about 30 seconds.Add the veggies season with salt and pepper,cover and cook on low heat until tender about 5 minutes.Turn the heat off,let cool about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile peel and chop avocados,squeeze the lime juice over to prevent oxidation.When Veggie mixture is cool,stir in the yogurt,avocados and cilantro,blend until smooth along water.Let the soup cool in the refrigerator for half an hour,then serve cold with toasted bread or crackers.

This enjoyable soup has been Tried and Tasted ,for a food event started by Zu of Zlamuska's Spicy Kitchen.Hosting this month is Sweatha of Tasty Curry Leaf for awe inspiring Suganya's Tasty palettes blog.

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Chocolate Sweet Potatoes Marble Bundt Cake

The sumptuous chocolate cake with the hidden nutritional benefit of sweet potatoes was a fitting treat to celebrate our little one's second birthday.In just one year ,the apple of my eye has grown from being a crawling baby to a jumping ever so naughty toddler.Though just beginning in his vocal skills , babbling pretty much ,except for few simple words,my most loved one being thaan chu(for thank you);he has excelled in delighting himself with his explorations around the house,kitchen in particular is his favorite territory.Very often he sneaks in to the kitchen looking for reachable sweet munchies or grab some of his favorite pot and pans for a kitchen Orchestra.
As one would expect from a Health Nut Mom,I'm concerned about his big sweet tooth and prefer giving naturally sweet foods like fruits and dry fruits ,and almost never buy candies or chocolate treats.Thankfully besides chocolate the little guy absolutely loves fruits.
However I do allow occasional homemade goodies made with chocolate.And What's birthday without chocolate?Nothing quite says Happy birthday like Chocolate.The nutritional sweet potatoes add a silky moist texture to the cake and its mild flavors let this cake be predominately chocolate flavored.
This is a lofty cake rightly suited for feeding a crowd.But one can even make the same cake in a regular baking pan or a loaf pan,adjust the quantities proportionately.

For Chocolate layer
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Organic eggs
2 tablespoon Fat free Sour cream
1/2 cup brown sugar or use a natural sweetener like agave
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips.
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoon(1/2 cup)Organic butter,melted and cooled,divided
1/2 cup reduced fat Organic milk

For Sweet Potato layer
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup Whole wheat flour
1 1\2 cup Sweet potato puree(1 whole medium size sweet potato),see how to cook sweet potatoes.
2 tablespoon Fat free Sour cream
2 Organic eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar or use a natural sweetener like agave
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
4 tablespoon(1/2 cup)Organic butter,melted and cooled
1/2 cup reduced fat Organic milk

Preheat oven to 350F.Prepare the Bundt pan,first butter then dust with all purpose flour,tap out any excess flour.

Prepare the Chocolate ganache for the Chocolate layer
Melt 2 tablespoon of butter and the semisweet chocolate chips in a bowl(glass or steel) placed over saucepan with gently simmering water(double broiler).Stir occasionally until the mixture is smooth.Set the bowl aside.

Prepare chocolate Layer
Sift all the dry ingredients(flours and powders) in large mixing bowl.
In another mixing bowl whisk together melted butter and sugar ,Crack the eggs and whisk then add the prepared chocolate ganache, stir in milk ,sour cream and combine until mixture comes together. Now add the dry mixture slowly in to the wet mixture while stirring it.

Prepare the Sweet Potato Layer
Repeat the same.Sift all the dry ingredients(flours and powders) in large mixing bowl.In another mixing bowl whisk together melted butter and sugar ,Crack the eggs and whisk then add the sweet potato, stir in milk ,sour cream and combine until mixture comes together. Now add the dry mixture slowly in to the wet mixture while stirring it.

For marble pattern,add spoonful of sweet potato and chocolate mixture alternately. Then make a swirl pattern using a table knife through the batter to marble them.

Bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until a knife inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.Cool on rack for 30 minutes before trying to unmold it.Cool,slice and serve.Prepare extra chocolate ganache and drizzle on the cake,if desired.

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

Caribbean-style Kabobs with Rice and Beans

During my weekly shopping at Costco,the gorgeous Caribbean Pineapple and Tart Champagne mangoes caught my eye.Straight from sunny Islands these tropical fruits are in full bloom in stores here.The weather here still pretty much cold with on-n-off cold-n-warm spells,the warming tropical fruits like such are the best taste of the sunny side of world.

The sun-soaked scenic Caribbean Islands,is home to hottest peppers and bountiful tropical fruits and a spicy fusion cuisine of mostly African, Spanish and Indian flavors.Speaking of hot peppers,having tasted some really hot peppers
from South India,the Caribbean hot peppers Scotch Bonnet and Harbanero (falling in the range of hottest peppers in the world) are true delights for hot chili enthusiasts,just one or two are enough to add fieriness to the meal.

My Caribbean platter includes chicken kabobs with the Caribbean Jerk seasoning(blend of hot peppers and spices),tropical fruit kabobs with sweet and tart flavors of Pineapple and mangoes along side the classic Caribbean Rice and beans.To add an extra layer of fruit ,top with Sassy Pine apple mango salsa ,the recipe coming up in another post.
Jerk Seasoning
A traditional spicy hot blend of peppers and spices,the quintessential taste of Caribbean cuisine,in particular Jamaican cooking.The seasoning is used for curing meat, poultry or fish and then slowly grilling over wood fire.This smoking method was originally used for preserving the meat.Choose between the store-bought dry Jerk seasoning or fresh homemade marinade as in my following recipe.

To find a treasure of authentic Caribbean meals ,explore Cynthia's Taste like home. And join in the Meeta's Monthly Mingle ,featuring Caribbean cooking this month.

Caribbean-style Kabobs
Chicken Kabobs with Caribbean Jerk Seasoning

1 3/4 pounds boneless skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces
1 medium onion, cut in square 1 inch pieces
1 medium bell pepper,Red or Green or Yellow,cut into squares

For Jerk Marinade
2 Scotch Bonnet or Harbanero Peppers,seed it for easing some heat and chop.
1 clove garlic,peeled and chopped
1 medium onion,chopped
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon Orange Juice
1 tablespoon thyme,dried or fresh
1 teaspoon all spice
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon Soy sauce
2 tablespoon lime juice,freshly squeezed.
2 tablespoon Extra virgin Olive oil or vegetable oil

4 bamboo skewers,soaked in water for 10 minutes to prevent burning.

Blend all the marinade ingredients.Mix the marinade with the chicken and vegetables ,marinate for an hour.Thread them on skewers with chicken,peppers and onions alternately on each.
In Broiler
Preheat the Broiler.Place the skewers on a baking sheet,transfer in the oven and let bake for 7 minutes,turn once and allow to bake for another 5 minutes.Serve warm.
On Grill
Heat your grill or grill pan on medium high heat.Placed the skewers
on heated grill,cook for about 6-8 minutes on both sides. Serve warm.

Mango Pineapple Kabobs

1/2 a medium pineapple,peeled,cored and cubed
1 mango(Tart Champagne Mangoes),peeled ,seeded and cubed
1/2 teaspoon spice mix,blend of cumin,cinnamon and nutmeg
3 bamboo skewers(10 inch long)

Mix all the ingredients and marinate for 10 minutes.Thread them on skewers with Pineapple and mango alternately on each.Broil or grill like the chicken kabobs,about 3 minutes on each side.Serve.

Caribbean Rice and Beans

2 cups White rice
1 cup Red kidney beans,cooked
1 medium onion,chopped
2 garlic cloves,minced
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 hot pepper , scotch bonnet or harbanero,seeded and finely chopped.
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups water or vegetable broth.


Heat the oil in a large skillet on medium heat.Saute onions until translucent about a minute,add garlic and hot peppers saute for few seconds, then add beans and cook for about 2 minutes. Add the rice to the beans, then stir in stock and coconut milk,season with salt and pepper, reduce heat,cover and simmer until rice is cooked, about 15 to 20 minutes.Allow to sit for ten minutes,fluff the rice with a fork then serve.

A word of caution while handling hot peppers
For particularly sensitive hands use gloves while seeding and chopping hot peppers or wash hands thoroughly to rinse away the essential hots oils of the pepper which can cause burning sensation.

Capsaicin,the heat of the Peppers
Capsaicin has many curative benefits such as lowering blood pressure,reducing sinus inflammation , promoting good blood circulation and also helps in burning unwanted fat .While not ever one has the same tolerance for capsaicin,an overdose can result in upset stomach or diarrhea.A cup of cold milk can help relief the lingering heart burn after eating spicy peppers.

An Update: Made for Each other Food Event

The Strawberry Cobbler with Orange-Carrot Frozen yogurt is the winner of Made for Each other Food event,which invited the recipes with foods that make a lovable combo.Here are the lovely entries.Thanks to Rathna for the exciting food event:).