Kamis, 05 November 2009

Health Nut Challenge 3:Healing Foods. Beet Greens and Vegetable Soup

"Healing is the act or process of curing or of restoring to health."
Why is good food diet recommended while recovering from a sickness, be it common cold or cancer? because good food heals,rejuvenates,comforts,helps the body regain its strength.

For the third Health Nut Challenge :

1.Cook with any one or more of the following or any other healing foods you know of.Create any meal course - Appetizer,Soup,salad,drink,main entree or dessert.Avoid any such cooking method as deep frying or over cooking that will kill the nutrients in the foods.And use only healthy cooking oils like Extra virgin olive oil,Virgin pressed coconut oil,canola oil or any vegetable oil.
* Acai berries ,goji berries ,blue berries ,Cranberries or any berries.
*Citrus fruits - Oranges,Lemons,Grape fruits etc.
* Apples
* Avocados
* Beets
* Broccoli
* Okra
* Cauliflower
* Mushrooms
* Dark Leafy Greens (Kale,Chard,Collards,Turnip greens,Mustard greens,Beet greens,radish greens,spinach and others)
* Beans,lentils and legumes[Red kidney beans,Soy beans etc]
* Tomatoes
* Whole grains(Barley,Oats,Brown rice,Buckwheat,Quinoa,Freekah or any other)
* Pomegranates
* Figs
* Turkey
* Salmon
* Sweet Potatoes
* Pumpkins and Squashes
* Carrots
* Almonds
* Flax seed
* Sesame Seeds
* Garlic
* Ginger
* Sprouts
* Chili peppers
* Turmeric

2.Write about the healing properties or the health benefits of the food.Also mention the source were you found the information about the food.

3.No limit to the number of entries.Link your post to this announcement page.Mail me the entries to YasmeenHealthnut@gmail.com by January 10 ,2010 with following details :
**Your Name and blog\Website(if you have one)
**Recipe link(Non-bloggers include the complete recipe)
**A Picture of the food(adjust to 300 pixels width)
**Your Location

Beet Greens and Vegetable Soup

For all the beets I eat the beet greens always have to be used.I like them in sambhar or just sauteed with other vegetables.Or a soup like this can be completely healing.

1 cup chopped beet greens and stalks
2 cups chopped vegetables[Carrots,broccoli,beans or others]
1 teaspoon fresh ginger,minced
Sea Salt and pepper(freshly ground) as per your taste.
3 cups of water or vegetable broth or chicken broth

In a pot with water or broth bring all the ingredients to a gentle boil,cook for 15-20 minutes until tender.Season with salt and pepper.Serve warm with crusty bread or crackers.

I'm recovering from a bad case of seasonal flu,that also kept me away from blogging for most of the week.Hope to post the round up of the Guilt free snacks by start of next week.So far so good,thanks for all your support and response to the Health Nut Challenges.

The previous Health nut Challenges :
* Well balanced 3 Course Meals
* Guilt-free Snacks

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