Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Rotini in Kumquat Jalapeno Compound Butter

Enlarged to entice,kumquats are miniature oranges with completely edible aromatic peel and tart juicy center.Almost the size of large grapes ,these are perfect pop-in-your-mouth snack.I fancied them to create exciting eats.Here is the compound butter for starters.

Why compound butter with kumquats? Also ,isn't butter the unfavorable ingredient of a Health Nut?.Not really,dietitians recommend up to 2 tablespoon of daily serving of butter for those without diagnosed heart disease and a tablespoon(30mg) for those with the heart condition.For the following recipe I use pure butter,that is Organic.Or a good butter substitute for those watching fat calories.As for the flavoring,the Kumquats blended ,gives the zesty kick and the sweetness of the juices complements well with the heat from chili peppers.The fusion butter can be savored as a spread on whole grain crackers,toast or used to flavor up grilled fish or pasta.

Recipe : Kumquat Jalapenos Compound Butter
1 stick Organic butter(cut in cubes) or 1 cup(4 ounce) butter substitute(I Can't Believe It's Not Butter or Smart balance)
1 big or 2 medium Jalapeno,seeded and chopped
3-4 kumquats ,rinsed ,seeded and chopped
1 tablespoon parsley,chopped
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Process the jalapenos,kumquats,parsley in a food processor until finely chopped.Add in the butter or butter substitute and blend until well combined,takes longer if using real butter.
Remove from the processor,place on a parchment paper or plastic wrap,shape in to a log.Chill for an hour or two,longer for the butter substitute.

Recipe : Rotini with Stir-fry Vegetables and Kumquat Jalapenos Compound Butter

Use whatever form of pasta in the pantry,rotini boxes were surplus in mine.The amount of compound butter can be doubled,1 tablespoon is for strictly keeping the fat calories under dietary guidelines for those with heart condition.Cooked together with copious serving of vegetables this an comforting pasta meal.

Serves 2-3


1/2 pound Whole grain Rotini pasta.
1/2 pound Stir-fry mix Vegetables(beans,sugar snap peas,broccoli,carrots,peppers and mushrooms)
1 tablespoon Kumquat Jalapenos Compound Butter(recipe above)
2 big cloves garlic,finely chopped
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil or canola oil
2 tablespoon fresh parsley,finely chopped
few slices of fresh kumquats for garnish

Cook the rotini pasta until al-dente as per the package directions.Drain.
While the pasta is cooking, heat oil in sauce pan on medium heat,add the vegetables and garlic saute for few minutes 6-7 minutes until tender.Season with salt,pepper and herbs.Mix in the cooked pasta and compound butter,saute another 2-3 minutes.turn off the heat.Garnish with fresh kumquat slices and serve.

The Kumquat compound butter is my entry for 5 star make over : Compound butter and the pasta for Presto Pasta Nights,host of the week is Our Taste of Life

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