Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Tofu Parathas

Just as verstile as parathas ,tofu can also be flavored in amazingly different recipes. In case you missed some of my favorite recipes with tofu,including desserts have been posted before.
Made from soybean curd , tofu is considered one of the healthiest vegan replacement for meat. 4 ounces of tofu has about 9 grams of protein ,which is almost free of saturated fats and low in calories. Tofu is also rich in minerals ,antioxidants besides being a good source of iron and calcium ,all convincing reasons to think of more way of incorporate in your everyday cooking.

Recipe : Tofu Parathas ,adapted from Divya's Dil se
2 Cups Whole Wheat Flour
4 ounce firm tofu
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon Cilantro ,chopped
2 tablespoon canola oil

Mash the tofu using a fork and mix with all of the spices,salt and cilantro, let marinate for few minutes.
In a large mixing bowl ,add the flour ,oil and the tofu mixture, combine the mixture ,add water just enough to bring the dough together. Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes.
Heat a cast iron pan(tava) or non stick pan at medium high flame.
Divide the dough in to about 8-10 balls depending on the prefered size of parathas. Sprinkle a little all purpose flour on the rolling surface. Use a rolling pin and carefully roll each of the portion in to round parathas.Roast the parathas by flipping once and spread some oil on the paratha. Flip and roast for few seconds .Use a spatula to lightly press and roll them around the pan. There are done when slightly brown.
serve warm with any kind of chutney.

I'm delighted to host Weekend Herb Blogging for the week.Share your unusual delicious foods.Talk about the one unique ingredient used and please keep the entries exclusive(cannot be sent to other food events).For more rules check here and send your entries to YasmeenHealthnut AT gmail DOT com.

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