Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Raspberry Tofu Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Cake

Tofu does not get any applause in my family.So I have to think of sneaking in this wonder protein in the most unsuspecting places.Like in the ice cream ,the silken tofu married so well with the intense berry flavor,leaving the picky eaters totally clueless about the disliked ingredient in it.

The cake was specially made in jubilation of Nabeel's seventh birth day.Yes,another healthfully blessed year.His asthma has shown significant improvement as he is growing.Watching the diet for low sugar ,low fat foods ,wholesome fruits,vegetables and grains immensely helped in improving his condition.My efforts to get him to eat the best aren't always success,there are some foods he absolutely cannot stand, and tofu is one of those.But I can't give up , had to think harder to incorporate the bland food with lots of flavorful berries to create this delectable cake.

I had to disclose the secret ingredient to him after blissfully finishing the first slice,for it changed his mind about the food,that he had decided to hate till eternity.Now he is more willing to appreciate it,if presented in such decadent dishes.That also means,a thumbs up for my ,eating more tofu mission.The other dishes that got approval were tofu smoothie and parathas,haven't got the chance to post them yet,but will do,one fine day.

Recipe : Raspberry Tofu Ice Cream
8 ounce Soft Silken Tofu
1 cup Coconut milk or almond milk or soy milk
2 cups frozen Raspberries
1/3 cup agave nectar or honey or maple syrup

Process tofu in a blender until smooth. Add the frozen berries,sweetener and process until well smooth.Now add the milk and process again until well blended. Pour into one or more wide-mouthed jars. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours before churning.Scrape the chilled custard into the canister of your ice cream maker. Churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions or if you don't have an ice cream maker,transfer the Ice Cream mixture in to a freezer proof container,preferably air tight.Freeze for about an hour,then get the container out and whisk the mixture using a spatula or hand held whisk or electric whisk to break the ice crystals forming over the edges of the container.Freeze and whisk again after 30-40 minutes ,repeat this for about 6 hours until the mixture is almost frozen.
Serve as is or layer in the chocolate cake as follows.

Recipe :Raspberry Tofu Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Cake
For Dark Chocolate Cake
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Organic eggs
2 tablespoon Fat free Sour cream
1/4 cup agave nectar or 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips.
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon Organic butter or Virgin pressed coconut oil,melted and divided
1/2 cup reduced fat Organic milk

3 cups of Raspberry Tofu Ice cream(as in recipe above)

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter or coconut oil and the semisweet chocolate chips in a bowl(glass or steel) placed over saucepan with gently simmering water(double broiler).Stir occasionally until the mixture is smooth.Set the bowl aside.

Preheat Oven to 375F.Line the bottom of a 8x8 round baking pan with parchment paper.

Sift all the dry ingredients(flours,salt and powders) in large mixing bowl.
In another mixing bowl whisk together melted butter and sugar or agave ,Crack the eggs and whisk until combined.Add the prepared chocolate ganache, stir in milk ,sour cream and combine until mixture comes together. Now add the dry mixture slowly in to the wet mixture while stirring it.

Pour the mixture in to the prepared baking pan.Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until the center of cake come out clean on an inserted toothpick.Cool the cake for at least 30 minutes.Flip in to plate.Remove the parchment at the bottom of the cake.

Assembling the Cake
Thaw the Raspberry Tofu Ice cream for 30 minutes until soft enough to handle.
Line the same baking pan with a plastic wrap,put the cake back in the pan.Scoop the ice cream and spread over the cupcakes just until the pan is full.Cover and freeze for 2-3 hours before unmolding.When set,flip the pan on to a plate,remove the plastic wrap,flip again in to another serving plate to have the Ice cream layer on top.Garnish with some fresh raspberries.To slice,warm a sharp knife under running hot water for an easier cut.
For more fruity finish,prepare some raspberry syrup and pour over each slice.

Health Nut Challenge 6 : I Scream for Ice Cream : Join in the celebration of healthy frozen treats.Send in your best recipe,find details here..

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